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AMDB - View topic - Haeundae (2009)
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 Haeundae (2009) 
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Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:23
Posts: 156
Location: Rīga, Latvija
Haeundae AKA Tidal Wave
Action | Drama Movie from 2009
tagged "Busan | Tsunami | Wave | Earthquake "
Made in South Korea (Republic) with subtitles

IMDb: 6.2/10 (190 votes)

Located on the southeast tip of the Korean peninsula is the international city of Busan. A popular vacation spot on the East Sea coast, Haeundae draws one million visitors to its beaches every year. Man-sik, a native of Haeundae, lost a co-worker to a tsunami on a deep-sea fishing trip four years ago. He has never returned to sea ever since. He now leads a simple life running a small seafood restaurant and is preparing to propose to his longtime girlfriend, Yeon-hee. Man-sik’s brother Hyung-sik works as a coast guard. One day, he rescues a female college student from Seoul who promptly, comes on to him aggressively. While these everyday domestic affairs unfold, geologist Kim Hwi, an expert on tsunami research, discovers the East Sea is showing signs of activity similar to the Indian Ocean at the time of the 2004 tsunami. Despite his warnings, the Disaster Prevention Agency affirms that Korea is in no harm of being hit. When he discovers a mega-tsunami is headed straight for the Korean peninsula, he quickly heads down to Haeundae. There he meets up with his ex-wife, who is organizing a cultural event, for the first time in seven years. He also sees his young daughter who is unaware that he is her father. Eventually, Kim gets a call about a deadly oncoming wave, with only ten minutes to spare! While the vacationers and citizens of Busan are enjoying a peaceful, hot summer day, a mega-tsunami is headed straight for Haeundae at 500 miles per hour.

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Mon Oct 26, 2009 23:16
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Protams, kā jau kārtīga Korejas filma, tā nespēja iztikt bez pamatīgas drāmas un nejēdzīgi gara ievada, bet filma ir patiešām laba. Daži kadri ir vienkārši episki. Nevarēju atturēties, vienu no tiem šeit neparādot. Ne gluži 'must see' gabals, bet tomēr tīri skatāma filma, ja no tās negaida pārāk daudz.


Tea Solves (almost)Every Problem.
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Tue Oct 27, 2009 00:02
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traileris izskatījās ļoti labs, stāv jau kādu laiciņu uz cietņa, bet netika noskatīts līdz galam jo ar subtitriem kaut kā nepaveicās, ļoti ļoti slikti bija.
Jādodas jaunu subtitru meklējumos.


Tue Oct 27, 2009 23:07
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Pirmo pusfilmu vispār nekas neliecina ka šī ir katastrofu filma, drīzāk kaut kāda drāma/komēdija. Bet par laimi tas bija daudz maz skatāms, un kataastrofu skati arī salīdzinoši labi bija uztaisīti.
Tomēr būtu vēlējies redzēt vairāk šos skatus, jo dēļ tā arī sāku skatīties filmu.

Un nevaru nepiekrist Maiteniekam par episkajiem skatiem. Visi notikumi uz tilta vienkārši spārdija kedu.


Mon Dec 28, 2009 14:27
Imperial Master
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ir skati šajā filmā kas nudien liek elpai aizrauties..
gribētos, lai uztaisa vienu tādu traģēdiju filmu, kas sākas tā ātri.. nevis garais ievads un tad pārdesmit minūtēs ir kulminācija..
šī ir jāredz, vai tomēr nav? grūti izlemt, iespēju jau tomēr vajadzētu dot 8)

Thu Feb 11, 2010 15:58
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