Mākslas filmas Animācijas filmas Dokumentālās filmas Televīzijas seriāli Televīzijas šovi Teātris
Koncerti Visas Atslēgas Žanri Apbalvojumi
Japāna Ķīna Koreja Taizeme Vjetnama Singapūra Taivāna Butāna Indija Francija ASV Austrālija

Nosaukums Vērtējums
2009 Lost Memories 8 no 10
Angel Dust 5 no 10
Bangkok Dangerous 7 no 10
Blue Light 7 no 10
Bright Future 6 no 10
Chaser, The 8 no 10
Coast Guard 7 no 10
Cure 7 no 10
Daisy 7 no 10
Death Note 8 no 10
Die Bad 7 no 10
Doll Master 6 no 10
Double Vision 7 no 10
Face 6 no 10
Freeze Me 6 no 10
Full Time Killer 7 no 10
Ghost In The Shell 8 no 10
Guns And Talks 7 no 10
Heat After Dark 6 no 10
Hero 8 no 10
Ichi The Killer 7 no 10
Joint Security Area 7 no 10
Ju-On: The Grudge 7 no 10
Killer 8 no 10
Loved Gun 7 no 10
M.W. 6 no 10
Memories Of Murder 9 no 10
Metade Fumaca 6 no 10
Miami Vice 6 no 10
My Scary Girl 4 no 10
My Wife Is A Gangster 3 7 no 10
Oasis 8 no 10
Oh! Brothers 7 no 10
Oldboy 9 no 10
One Missed Call 2 4 no 10
Ong Bak 2 5 no 10
Phone 7 no 10
Public Enemy 8 no 10
Pulse 7 no 10
Quiet Family, The 8 no 10
Rashomon 7 no 10
Real Fiction 6 no 10
Rush Hour 2 7 no 10
Seven Samurai 9 no 10
Sky High 7 no 10
So Close 8 no 10
Some 7 no 10
Spider Forest 6 no 10
Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li 4 no 10
Survive Style 5+ 7 no 10
Sword In The Moon 7 no 10
Sympathy For Lady Vengeance 7 no 10
Tales Of The Unusual 7 no 10
They Who Step On The Tiger`s Tail 7 no 10
Three 6 no 10
Two Guys 7 no 10
Ultimate Versus 9 no 10
Uninvited 6 no 10
Versus 8 no 10
Violent Cop 7 no 10
Voice 5 no 10
Yesterday 4 no 10
Yokai Monsters I 100 Monsters 5 no 10
Yokai Monsters III Along With Ghosts 4 no 10
Zatoichi 4: The Fugitive 6 no 10
Zatoichi 8: Fight Zatoichi, Fight 5 no 10
Atsauksmes datu bāzē: 592
Meklēt atsauksmi:

Šodien ir: 2025. gada
09. februāris

Ziņu Arhīvs
Jaunpievienotās filmas:
Crows Zero II
Woochi: The Taoist Wizard
Happy Flight
My Darling Is A Foreigner
Instant Numa
Sadarbības Partneri:
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Jaunpievienotās personas:
Takeshi Kitano
Tomoyuki Tanaka
Shinobu Terajima
Masamune Shirow
Aoi Miyazaki
Ong Bak 3 (Taizeme)
Oldboy (Koreja)
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